HoloKote vs custom

HoloKote watermark vs Custom laminate overlays

For many secure card issuance applications, visual security is enhanced by the addition of a customised overlaminate onto the printed image, often with a holographic or OVD feature. In order to achieve this the issuer will have to have a unique film manufactured and add an additional process to their card issuance cycle. Custom laminates can be expensive, they take a long time to produce and actually their security is not infallible – they can be replicated.

All Magicard manufactured ID card printers have a built-in card security feature – HoloKote, this exclusive technology prints a secure watermark as part of the normal print cycle and at no extra cost per card.

We have taken a look at the two processes to make a direct comparison:

Comparison Custom HoloKote watermark Custom Overlaminate
Lead time 24 hours 12 weeks
Initialisation fee MSRP £500 Up to £6,100
Minimum order quantity 1 35,000 laminates
Flexibility Change the design within 24 hours. Have multiple designs for the same printer. Unable to change the design without incurring new initialisation and lead time.
Print process Part of the standard YMCKO print process. Secondary lamination required at end of printing process
Consumable cost No additional cost per print £0.05 additional cost per print
Appearance Watermark Hologram
Security vs fraud Each HoloKote is tied to an individual printer serial number so can only be printed on that specific printer. Overlaminates can be replicated and then be used on any laminating printer.