Investment news

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Written By John Fieldsend

We are proud to confirm that a £multimillion investment has been made by TRADEiD, Magicard UK’s Premier Partner, to secure and protect ID card printer stock levels for the rest of the year. This significant Q1 action represents security for Momentum partners: they can be sure that demand for printers - from entry-level to retransfer – can be fulfilled with certainty.

Driven by a strong start in Q1, this investment is evidence of our confidence in Magicard, their service, their support and the quality of their products. We are pleased to support our reseller partners in the knowledge they will never be without the ability to sell -and more importantly supply- a card printer.

by Steve Dodd, Commercial Director, TRADEiD

The 20 -year partnership between Magicard and TRADEiD is stronger than ever, built on trust, support and complete transparency. It’s gone way past a simple supplier - wholesaler relationship. Magicard and TRADEiD work in tandem to ensure we have the printers, film, cleaning kits and other parts and supplies available in the fastest delivery time possible so we can deliver the best service to Momentum partners.

by Phil Reynolds, Sales Director, EMEAI, Magicard

I’m grateful to TRADEiD for the commitment and trust that they continue to place in Magicard.  By working closely together we have been able to provide consistent and reliable supply to TRADEiD’s Momentum partners, something that we will continue to focus on going forward as we build #TeamMagicard.

by Andy Cornelius, General Manager, Magicard